Foot Pain

Studies show that 77% of all American’s have experienced foot pain at some point in their life. Foot pain can greatly affect your ability to walk, which in turn can affect your ability to exercise and do all of the activities that you like doing. Exercise is a major factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, so if foot pain is keeping you from being able to exercise, that is a major problem for your health.
Most of the time, foot pain will rear it’s ugly head when you are actively exercising, whether this be from walking, running, hiking, or sports. This can occur as a result of overuse, stepping/landing the wrong way on your foot, or from pronation. Pronation means that the arches of your feet cannot support you correctly. 90% of people walk with pronated feet or fallen arches, which can lead to not only foot pain, but back pain and knee pain as well.
The good news is at Premier we can help treat your foot pain and get you back to enjoying the things that you enjoy doing. We start with an evaluation of your foot and then begin a plan of care to treat your foot pain. It is crucial not to wait to get your foot pain treated. The underlying issues causing your foot pain usually do not go away, so if you leave foot pain untreated, the issue is just going to keep getting worse.
If you are recovering from a major surgery such as ACL repair, we can help you recover faster through our specialties such as Blood Flow Restriction Therapy and ASTYM.
Call us TODAY or fill out the form below to schedule an appointment.
Foot Pain Conditions We Treat
Ankle/Foot Fracture
Ankle Sprains
Heel Pain
ACL Repair Post Op
Plantar Fasciitis
Arch Dysfunction